With the aim of supporting farmers ... GOPA-DERD’s team equips one of the water canals in Rural Deir Ezzor.
After implementing and installing several irrigation stations within Al-Tibny area in Deir Ezzor, helping to supply irrigation water to agricultural lands, and after discovering a problem in one of the main and secondary water canals in the village of Al-Tabaliyya, GOPA-DERD’s team in Deir Ezzor implemented a project to dig and equip a water canal in the village of Al-Tibny with a length of 375 meters, where the canal was rehabilitated and covered with reinforced concrete, and water gates were created to draw water towards the agricultural lands in a thoughtful manner for the type of agriculture and the amount of water it needs.
It is worth noting that the canal will contribute to irrigating about 100 hectares of agricultural lands adjacent to it, benefiting more than 150 families working in the field of agriculture. This took place in coordination with the SHF.