International Day for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
On the occasion of the International Day for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, GOPA-DERD’s team carried out various activities in a number of areas.
In Al-Hol camp in Hasaka, GOPA-DERD’s Community Center’s team implemented awareness activities including an awareness session on how we can report SEA using the reporting mechanism in place.
In Deir ez-Zour, GOPA-DED’s “SPACE” Center’s team, in cooperation with DKH, implemented several awareness sessions in the village of Al-Masrab in rural area of the governorate. The session included defining sexual abuse and movement activities on how to act when exposed to cases of sexual exploitation.
GOPA-DERD’s “Darb” Center’s team in Harabish village also implemented an awareness session on the dangers of sexual abuse and how to address it, in cooperation with UNFPA.
In Lattakia, GOPA-DERD’s Community Center’s team in Al-Datour implemented an inclusive awareness session that included several steps to introduce the International Day, and a group of movement activities to focus on physical boundaries and the importance of reporting any cases of abuse that children may be exposed to.
GOPA-DERD’s Community Centers’ teams in both Jableh and Al-Haffa also implemented awareness sessions that included showing explanatory videos, introducing children to safe and unsafe touches and self-defense methods, recreational and movement activities, and explaining the mechanism for complaining when children are exposed to any abuse.
In As-Swiyda, the team of access volunteers was volunteers was trained on the basic principles, which every humanitarian worker must adhere to, such as to differentiate between exploitation, abuse and sexual abuse, and to recognize the seriousness of the consequences of sexual misconduct, and to adhere to the reporting policy and procedures followed in this regard.