GOPA-DERD's team begins providing humanitarian support to those arriving from Aleppo
As part of the emergency response and providing humanitarian support to families arriving from Aleppo to Homs, GOPA-DERD’s team distributed food kits and gifts for children. The team also distributed winterization kits including blankets and clothes for different ages, and dignity kits to families arriving from Aleppo residing in the Abdul Rahman Al-Shattour shelter center and the Al-Baraa Bin Malik Shelter Center in the neighborhoods of Deir Baalbeh and Al-Bayada in Homs, and the Deir Mar Elias Center in the Barbala neighborhood, in addition to Lebanese families at the Abdul Rahman Al-Shattour Center. This took place in cooperation with Oxfam.
The team also provided psychological first aid to the children arriving from Aleppo, within GOPA-DEDRS’s “Bietna” Center in Wadi Al-Nassara area in Homs. This took place in cooperation with NCA.
In Raqqa, GOPA-DERD’s “Darb” Center’s team received families arriving from Aleppo at the city’s sports stadium, and provided first aid and necessary medical consultations to pregnant women. In addition, some medicines and dignity kits for women were distributed. This took place in cooperation with UNFPA.
In turn, GOPA-DERD’s Community Center’s team prepared tents and pavilions in the sports city in Raqqa, to receive the arriving families, and distributed blankets and mattresses.
In both Damascus and Tartous, the team took care of providing accommodation for some families arriving from Aleppo.