The Psycho-social Support Program

The program’s team aims to reach all of the vulnerable and affected family members through activities that enhance their mental health and psychological wellbeing that provides them with the needed strategies to deal with the sources of anxiety, trauma, chronic depression, PTSD, and other types of stress and pressure. This would help them to regain their emotional and psychological balance. By doing so, the team aims to implement activities that are in line with the specific age groups, as special activities are designed for children, adolescents, and parents. Treatment spans beyond psychosocial support by referring specific cases to specialized doctors for longer-term medical treatment and follow-up.
The Child Protection Program

Believing in child rights and the right to protect every child, this program is established to prevent and respond to violence, abuse and exploitation, neglect, harmful practices, violence against children, and to ensure children have safe access to protection services, by establishing or supporting national and community-level child protection support with a focus on host community, affected and IDPs. The program outcomes are achieved by conducting structured and sustained psychosocial support, parenting programs considering family is the first line of protection for children, awareness sessions on child protection “CP”, gender-based violence “GBV” and violence against children “VAC” awareness sessions, in addition to carrying out awareness sessions on mine risk education “MRE”.
The Gender-based Violence Program

GOPA-DERD has zero-tolerance towards SEA and gender injustice – As such, the GBV program seeks to address violence against vulnerable persons of all genders in a humanitarian crisis who are at risk of violence and protect them through conducting awareness sessions and large-scale media campaigns, attached with messages about violence and it causes. The program targets the communities and people in all walks of life and of various age groups. Through these different activities, the team observes and considers all the cases that were exposed to violence through carrying out individual consultation sessions and referrals, according to each case, in order to provide the needed support and services.