The Health program aims to improve access to health care for affected persons, refugees and IDP returnees patients who cannot afford treatment costs. Health care includes primary and secondary health care through: lifesaving surgeries, treatment of chronic illnesses, conducting a health check-up through blood tests and different types of scans “CT, MRI, X-ray”. It also supports pregnant women to access quality antenatal care “ANC” and post-natal care “PNC” services, as well as financing deliveries for pregnant women under specialized supervision. In addition, the program provides medication for: chronic illnesses, cancer treatments and immunosuppressant, in addition to the provision medical in-kind assistance such as: wheelchairs, walking aids, glucose meters, blood pressure monitors etc. Another important target of the Health program is supporting health facilities through supplying them with maintenance, medical commodities and large medical equipment: ventilators, echo doppler, incubators, anesthetic machines and more.